The list of SCHMITZ Ponyvás félpótkocsi offered for sale in our catalog is constantly increased.
Cargobull Trailer Store GmbH offers excellent transport solutions for business and individual needs.
The vehicle was manufactured in 2019.
The gross weight is 35000 kg.
Chassis configuration: felfüggesztés: légrugós, 3-tengely, fékberendezés: tárcsafék, ABS, EBS.
Bodywork: rakodási hossz: 13620 mm, rakodási szélesség: 2480 mm, rakodási magasság: 2730 mm, rakodási térfogat: 92 m³.
The mileage is 503239 km.
The vehicle is located in Németország.
Contact our sales department regarding purchase details.
Good luck in your deals with Cargobull Trailer Store GmbH!